News and presentations from today's conference looking at developing in the role of the Responsible Officer.
Chair's welcome and opening introduction: The Responsible Officer Role
Mr Steve Parker, Medical Director, Isle of Wight NHS Trust
• the Responsible Officer role
• revisiting revalidation: responsible officer regulations and guidance
• leadership qualities required for the role
• understanding what prescribed connections means in practice
• appointment and specification of ROs
• supporting Responsible Officers and appraisers
• difficult issues and managing fitness to practice concerns
Steven gave an overview of the role of the Responsible Officer, discussing the role of the GMC and the introduction of appraisal and revalidation, brought in so there was oversight of doctors practice and early identification of any issues. He said the Responsible Officer is often the Medical Director or Chief Medical Officer and they support the appraisal and revalidation process by evaluating fitness to practice and monitoring conduct and performance. He said the role includes:
- maintaining a list of doctors connected the designated body
- ensuring effective quality assurance
- revalidation recommendations
- triangulating information
- following GM guidance
- keeping an oversight of recruitment process
- managing concerns
- referring to the GMC
- transferring of information between organisations
Steve went on to give more detail including issues and challenges of the role, he said there can be a conflict of interest and appearance of bias, it can be difficult to identify the ROs for trainees and locums, and there are often difficult conversations to be had.
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EXTENDED SESSION: Developing your skills as a Responsible Officer
Dr Deepak Dwarakanath Former Medical Director and Consultant Gastroenterologist, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust
• developing your skills as a responsible officer
• leadership qualities and competencies
• challenges in practice