As an international Doctor the transition to the NHS is not always an easy one. Different cultures, practices and structures can all represent barriers to effective working and patient care. This conference focuses on the important issue of supporting International Medical Graduates (IMGs) in the NHS, with from recruitment and induction to ongoing support. This conference aims to improve support for International Doctors working in the NHS.
“Last year, over two thirds of joiners were non-UK graduates, up from just under half in 2017… Despite growing UK graduate cohorts, more of the UK future workforce is likely to be made up of non-UK graduates. It is vital that doctors who join from abroad are inducted effectively and then supported in their careers in the UK.”
The General Medical Council November 2024
“The NHS is dependent on IMG doctors (international medical graduate) to provide a high quality, reliable and safe service to patients. They enrich the NHS with their skills, enthusiasm and diverse perspectives and have become essential members of the UK’s medical workforce.”
British Medical Association
This conference will enable you to:
Network with colleagues who are working to improve support for international doctors working in the NHS
Learn from the lived experience of an IMG Doctor
Update your knowledge on national developments
Learn from outstanding practice in delivering effective induction for IMGs
Reflect on what ongoing support international doctors need?
Identify key strategies for training and education to improving confidence in colloquial conversational English
Understand how you can tackle discrimination in Healthcare: Ensuring fairness in the workplace
Understand the role of a positive learning environment in practice
Reflect an experience of effectively supporting and working with IMG Doctors
Explore your understanding how cultural values can shape professional behaviour
Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes