News and updates on today's conference which includes national developments and local case studies in information sharing and the role of the Caldicott Guardian in Primary Care.
EXTENDED SESSION: Caldicott Update & the Practicalities of the role in General Practice
• the role of the Caldicott Guardians in Primary Care
• national developments
• interactive discussion in breakouts
Dr Arjun Dhillon
Chair, National Caldicott Guardian Council
Arjun is a General Practitioner and lives and works in Ealing, London. After graduating from University College London in 2003, he undertook medical training and gained MRCP in 2007. He then retrained as a GP, gaining MRCGP in 2009.
Arjun said "The Caldicott Guardian is there to advise and be the conscience of the organisation" "We need to put the patient front & centre"
On the Caldicott principles Arjun said "You need to work through the principles and then you should be able to work out what the right thing to do is"
EXTENDED INTERACTIVE SESSION: Developing your role as a Caldicott Guardian in General Practice
• developing your role as a Caldicott Guardian in General Practice
• Caldicott Decision Making and Competency development
• information sharing with the Police
• Caldicott Guardian Principles in Primary Care: the role in practice
• Caldicot Decision Making and information sharing across organisations
Mr Christopher Fincken
Former Chair, UK Caldicott Guardian Council
Christopher Fincken is an independent member of the UK Council of Caldicott Guardians (UKCCG) and was its Chairman from 2012‐2017, working closely with the office of the National Data Guardian. He is currently involved in several collaborative i…
Christopher said to remember "This is the real world with real people and real consequences"
EXTENDED SESSION: The Caldicott Guardian and Safeguarding Concerns
• why information sharing is so important in safeguarding
• proactive and reactive information sharing: case studies
• learning from incidents where information has not been shared
• the role of the Caldicott Guardian in safeguarding
• partnership working, organizational culture and trust
Dr Joy Shacklock
Joy said "Its always great to speak to Caldicott Guardians because you are so vital to safeguarding"
Joy also said "As a Caldicott Guardian you need to embed a culture of openess, discussion and respectful challenge"