The roles of SIRO, CG and DPOs
Learn how the SIRO, CG and DPO should work together to ensure that organisational and technical measures are in place to protect the privacy of patient and service user data. Data Protection and Information Security measures and associated risk are considered risks mitigated where appropriate and reasonable.
How legislation impacts on each of the roles.
We will look at the roles and how they should work together and not in isolation.
These 3 roles are referenced in the NHS Data Security & Protection Toolkit each having responsibility & accountability but there is synergy in the roles.
These are important roles in assessing overall risks and issues of information sharing internally and externally.
It will be beneficial for all 3 from an organisation to attend the course (although individual roles can attend)
Who Should Attend
Senior Information Risk Owners (SIRO). Caldicott Guardians (CG) and Data Protection Officers. (DPO) Information Asset Owners (IAO), Information Governance Leads. Risk Managers
Key Learning Objectives
What each role entails
How they should work together
What to consider for risk and compliance?
Applying legislation to the roles
Facilitator - 11th February
Working together within Data Protection is incredibly important. With so many distinct roles like Caldicott Guardian, Senior Information Risk Owner and Data Protection Officer amongst others, it is pivotal that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities and how those roles can work together to ensure compliance with UK GDPR. Join Tania as she explores these roles, looks at the responsibilities and how these roles can complement and support each other through Information Governance and Data Protection.