News and presentations from today's conference focusing on techniques and tools for clinical audit and improvement.
Chaired by: Mr Stephen Ashmore and Ms Tracy Ruthven, Directors, Clinical Audit Support Centre
Opening Presentation:
Techniques, Strategies and Tools Managing National Clinical Audits
Stella Vig, National Medical Director for Secondary Care, NHS England; and Consultant Vascular/General Surgeon
• keeping your head above water
• techniques strategies and tools for managing NCAs
• ensuring the lessons are implemented locally
Stella outlined work that is being done at a national level to improve how clinical audit is performed locally and the support in place for clinical audit teams. She said there are currently a lot of conflicting recommendations, NHS England is working with NICE and HQIP to implement aligned and smarter recommendations. They would like to ensure local audits are embedded into planning cycles and to have automatic data capture in place. She said it is important to make data flows timely so data is up to date for providers to work with.