Suspected sepsis: recognition, diagnosis and early management guidance
On the 31st of January 2024, NICE updated its NG51 guideline for the UK originally published in 2016. It includes recommendations on recognition and early assessment, initial treatment, escalating care, finding the source of infection, early monitoring, information and support, and training and education.
NICE has said that the national early warning score should be used to assess people with suspected sepsis aged 16 and over, who are not and have not recently been pregnant, and are in an acute hospital setting or ambulance.
The national early warning score is a tool endorsed by NHS England in order to standardise the assessment of severe illnesses in adults.
“This useful and usable guidance will help ensure antibiotics are targeted to those at the greatest risk of severe sepsis, so they get rapid and effective treatment. It also supports clinicians to make informed, balanced decisions when prescribing antibiotics.... We know that sepsis can be difficult to diagnose so it is vital there is clear guidance on the updated [national early warning score] so it can be used to identify illness, ensure people receive the right treatment in the right clinical setting and save lives......This update is the latest part of the process to ensure Nice guidance is as current as possible. We recognise this is a vital and rapidly evolving area, so this is the latest in a series of planned updates to our guidance.”
“We welcome that Nice has provided this important update to their national guidance. We particularly support that the update continues to recommend the identification of high risk factors, while reinforcing the importance of clinical judgment to prevent injudicious use of antibiotics"
Read the update in full here
Learn more:
Saving Lives Sepsis: Improving Practice & Outcomes
Thursday 18th April 2024
Virtual CPD Conference
Hear from Dr Ron Daniels BEM Executive Director UK Sepsis Trust Vice President Global Sepsis Alliance and Vice President Global Sepsis Alliance.
Network with colleagues who are working to improve practice in the early recognition and management of Sepsis.