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This conference will focus on developing your role as skills as a Prescribing Physiotherapist. Through national updates, expert sessions and practical case studies the conference will support you to develop or expand your role as a physiotherapy non medical prescriber, and support the development of effective non medical prescribing across your service.
“Physiotherapy prescribing is rapidly increasing across the UK, improving the education, supervision, and awareness of physiotherapy NMP should be considered to enhance future practice.”
Views and experiences of non-medical prescribing: a national survey of prescribing physiotherapists, Parkinson & Hartley, Physiotherapy Sept 2024
“The purpose of individual physiotherapist prescribing is to support and enhance the delivery of tailored physiotherapy interventions to patients.”
Chartered Society of Physiotherapy
“Patients should be able to receive their medicines from the clinician providing their care without the need to see another clinician, usually a doctor, just to receive their medicines.”
NHS England Prescribing and Support Assurance Framework 2024
This conference will enable you to:
Network with colleagues who are working to develop their role as a Prescribing Physiotherapist
Learn from outstanding practice in delivering the role in practice
Reflect on national developments and learning
Discuss the current benefits and challenges
Ensure you are prescribing safely within your scope of practice
Develop both competence and confidence in physiotherapist prescribing practice
Reflect on views and experiences of prescribing physiotherapists
Develop your leadership skills in prescribing practice
Understand how you can optimize non medical prescribing for pain
Identify key strategies for prescribing in patients with complex multi morbidity and improve understanding of clinical pharmacology and drug interactions
Understand how you can improve prescribing, reduce polypharmacy and enable deprescribing in frail older people
Optimise medication safety with a focus on controlled drugs
Self assess and reflect on your own practice
Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes