Every October, the National Guardian's Office highlights the importance of NHS staff having a voice that counts through its Speak Up Month campaign. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the work of Freedom to Speak Up Guardians and the efforts to make speaking up business as usual for everyone.
For this October’s Speak Up Month, the theme is Breaking Barriers and will focus on removing the barriers that can stop workers from speaking up.
#BreakingFTSUBarriers #FTSU #SpeakUpToMe
"There are many things which can stop people from speaking up. Being afraid of what might happen or feeling that you won’t be listened to can stop people from speaking up. They may be worried because of their background, their heritage or their experience. They may feel they might not be listened to because of their banding, their circumstances or their job role."
"This October we will be raising awareness of some of the barriers to speaking up. By highlighting them, we hope to give people the confidence to overcome these barriers and make speaking up business as usual."
"Raising awareness of the barriers to speaking up is also an opportunity for leaders across the sector to understand and work to address and remove them. This will help foster an inclusive environment that encourages speaking up, listening up and following up."
Find out more: https://nationalguardian.org.uk/2023/08/22/speak-up-month-2023/
Achieving a Culture of Candour: Freedom to Speak Up
Friday 13th October 2023
Virtual CPD Conference
Join this timely conference to hear how you can better support your staff to speak up and feel safe to share any concerns they may have.
We’re keen to help towards raising awareness and make the conference as accessible as possible therefore we’re pleased to be offering a 20% Discount this week code HCUK20SUP