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Healthcare Conferences UK in association with Christopher Fincken, Independent Member & Former Chair of the UK Caldicott Guardian Council, are pleased to announce this National Caldicott Guardian Conference which will focus on the Caldicott Guardian and Ethical Decision Making – with particular emphasis on the Duty of Candour, Consent and Practical Advice on Ethical Frameworks and decision making tools for ethical dilemmas and difficult issues in practice. Extended interactive sessions will use real Caldicott Case Examples to demonstrate the practicalities of effective decision making.
"I am keenly aware of the vital part that Caldicott Guardians play in ensuring people’s data is used responsibly to support the delivery of better care. Having more staff in the system to advise on the ethical and legal aspects of data sharing benefits us all."
Dr Nicola Byrne, National Data Guardian for Health and Social Care, 30th August 2022
“The importance of the Caldicott Guardian acting as “the conscience of the organisation” remains central to trusting the impartiality and independence of their advice.”........“There are thousands of Caldicott Guardians in health and social care organisations across the UK. They share a common function, which is to make wise decisions about the use of people’s information. They balance the need to protect people’s confidentiality with the need to protect their welfare by ensuring that information is safely communicated among the various professional teams caring for an individual, sometimes across organisational boundaries. They bring to bear ethical as well as legal considerations, making judgements about real life human situations that could not be done by a machine.”
A Manual for Caldicott Guardians, UK Caldicott Guardian Council
This conference will enable you to:
Network with fellow Caldicott Guardians and those working to deliver the Caldicott Principles
Understand and reflect on Caldicott decision making and develop ethical expertise
Update your knowledge on ethical decision making principles and frameworks and how you can implement these within your Caldicott role and decision making practice
Learn from established practice in the delivery of Caldicott Principles
Understand strategies for when there is disagreement or no clear answers
Reflect on Caldicott Decision Making, Moral Distress & Psychological Safety
Understand the legal and ethical implications of the Duty of Candour
Learn from case review of difficult ethical Caldicott issues and how to use decision making templates to improve consistency in practice
Identify key strategies for dealing with difficult issues relevant to Caldicott practice
Working with information governance leads and managing disagreements
Decision making in emergency situations
Reflect on the inter relationship between legal and ethical issues
Self assess and reflect on your own practice
Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes
100% of delegates at our previous conference on this subject would recommend it to a colleague