In this conference we will hear the latest developments and challenges in reducing the use of out of area placements for people with mental health issues. There will be varied lineup of speakers from the NHS as well as case study examples of best practice and a lived experience perspective. Topics will include the latest initiatives, the use of data-driven decision making, and the ethical and legal considerations involved.
“Trusts send patients out of their local areas for care only when they have no other choice due to a lack of beds, capacity or staff. It’s always a last resort. Stretched NHS mental health services are under pressure like never before with record demand. We need to see more investment to improve mental health provision so that people everywhere can access high-quality services, as close to home as possible, when they need them.”
Saffron Cordery, Deputy Chief Executive, NHS Providers, November 2024
Out of Area Placements are often challenging for people with mental health issues. There is evidence that they can be detrimental to treatment especially for children and young adults:
“It is unacceptable that sick and extremely vulnerable children and young people with mental illness are still being sent miles away from their family and friends, sometimes for months on end, simply because they need treatment that is either not available as community care or within a local inpatient setting. Although we know that some improvements have been made compared to last year these figures are still unacceptably high. One child being sent away from home almost every day is simply unacceptable.”
Dr Guy Northover, Deputy Chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Child and Adolescent Faculty, 8th February 2025
We will also be hearing an extended overview of the latest HSSIB report and it’s findings:
“The investigation found that harm (including dying by suicide, physical, psychological, distress and anxiety) was happening to patients, families and carers because of OAPs and the impact of being far away from their normal support network. There was also significant anger, frustration and loss of trust in the mental health system as a result of their experiences.”
Mental health inpatient settings: out of area placements, HSSIB Report, 21st November 2024
This conference will enable you to:
Network with colleagues who are working to reduce the use of out of area placements in mental health services
Discuss the national data and evidence base currently on out of area placements in mental health services
Reflect on the lived experience of service users and carers
Understand the impact of out of area placements on service users and their mental health treatment
Implement community based solutions and initiatives so Trusts can be less reliant on out of area placements
Understand how current obstacles and challenges in reducing out of area placements can be overcome
Learn from an overview and findings from the latest reports
Reflect on lessons from a successful case study example
Work in innovative ways with multidisciplinary teams in mental health care
Identify key strategies for reducing the need of out of area placements
Developing your skills in working with psychiatric liaison teams
Understand the legal and ethical considerations involved in out of area placements
Self assess and reflect on your own practice
Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation