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Preventing Suicide in Young People & Children

News and updates from today's conference hearing from expert speakers on how your services can reduce preventable suicides and save young lives. 

A personal story – The loss of a young person through suicide: How can we better support bereaved relatives?

• bereavement and complicated grief

• what could be improved to support families and young people

• providing targeted support to young people who are bereaved (particularly by suicide)

• what needs to change


 Robert Stringer

Speaker: Robert Stringer

Co-Founder, Hector’s House

Hector’s father and founder and trustee of Hector’s House. A partner in a Wealth Management business. 

Robert said "Talk to and listen to young people, and give them time"

Robert also said "Getting young men to be open and to express tends to be harder than with young women".

On preventing suicide Robert said "You need to get the young person to understand that things will pass, you well get through this and it is possible"

"When a young person shares with you, you must value, respect and give compassion"



EXTENDED SESSION: Discussing Suicide in Schools – Preventing Crisis

• the right format for discussion – using smaller groups to monitor individual student reactions

• being considerate of students with vulnerabilities, avoiding use of triggering material

• minimising classroom disclosures

• engaging in self-care for staff and students alike


Ms Alice Newton-Leeming

Speaker & Chair: Ms Alice Newton-Leeming

Founder and Director, Mental Health Learning Ltd

Alice Newton-Leeming has worked and studied within the field of wellbeing, mental health and suicide prevention for over 14 years.


Alice said "When we notice changes, such as behavioural changes, withdrawal, sudden mood swings, changes in eating/sleeping habits, this is when we need to act"

Alice also said "You need to create a safe space for young people to share, its important to thank them for sharing, and to compassionately listen and provide reassurance and support".



Digital Wellness: Understanding the Online Influence on Youth Mental Health

• preliminary results from the Digital Dialogues survey exploring 'The Impact of Online Use on Children and Young People'

• working with young people in creative ways to produce resources which aid conversations around online use and mental health for HCPs

• moderation on social media sites and the impact of the Online Safety Bill on young people

 Kelly Hannaghan

Speaker: Kelly Hannaghan

Mental Health Consultant, Motivational Speaker and Coach, Mind Word Matters Ltd

Kelly is the Mental Health and Wellbeing Consultant for The Education People and the Director and founder of Mind Work Matters Ltd.


Kelly talked about "the profound impact that the digital world has on young people and children"

She said "Smart phones are integrated into every aspect of our lives", "Research has shown that people are spending several hours - 5 plus per day on devices".

Kelly said "We are spending less time face to face and we have a lack of human connection compared with past years before the digital age".


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