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The June Crown Award: Gain recognition for your efforts in prescribing

The June Crown Award, which is run through the Association for Prescribers (AfP) is presented in recognition of an outstanding commitment to prescribing in healthcare practice.

A selection panel, comprising of the President, member(s) of the executive committee, service user, external panel member to the AfP and sponsor(s) will review all applications/nominations for the June Crown Award each year.

Criteria for the June Crown Award

  • The contributions of the applicant/ nominee have influenced prescribing in health care practice
  • The contributions and accomplishments of the applicant/nominee should be worthy of national recognition in the field of prescribing

Eligibility criteria

  • Current member of the Association for Prescribers
  • Resident in the UK

Application process
Applicants may self-nominate or be selected for nomination e.g. a colleague, peer or line manager.
The deadline for submissions for the 2025 award is Friday, 4th July 17.00. One award will be given each year.

Applications should contain the following information:

  •  The reasons for making the application/nomination, i.e. specific achievements in the field of prescribing by the applicant/nominator
  • Name and contact details of the applicant/nominee
  • Two supporting statements from working colleagues or peers of the applicant/nominee
  • Name and contact details of those providing supporting statements

The winner will be expected to travel to the Annual AfP conference held yearly in different locations. The travel and accommodation costs are covered by the Award. The award winner will also receive a personal monetary award, the amount of which may vary, and be invited to present at the annual AfP conference, typically held in November each year.

Make a Nomination for the award here. Please complete using Arial font size 11.

Please email the completed application form to:
Jo Stuttle: Administrator Association for Prescribers admin@associationforprescribers.org.uk

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