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New CQC standard on visting and accompaniment

Following consultation, a new fundamental standard on visiting and accompaniment has been published by the CQC as part of their regulatory assessment and enforcement powers. This new standard aims to ensure that people who use these services are able to:

•    receive visits from people that they want to see
•    make social visits outside of care homes
•    be accompanied on appointments that do not require an overnight stay

“Everyone should work on the assumption that in-person visiting and accompaniment to appointments are possible. Providers must put in place any measures or precautions necessary and proportionate to ensure that visiting and accompaniment can continue to happen safely. These must be the least restrictive options and must be decided with the person using the service, and their family, friends or advocates where appropriate.”

Regulation 9A: Visiting and accompanying in care homes, hospitals and hospices, CQC 26th April 24 

Source: www.cqc.org.uk 

Related Event:

Managing Changes to Visiting and Accompaniment: Taking a flexible approach to visiting hours
TUE, 10 SEP 2024

Join us for this full-day conference to ensure that you understand what is expected of you under these new regulations, so that you can ensure robust processes are in place for decision making surrounding visits and accompaniment. Throughout the day our expert speakers will lead you in sessions covering; what constitutes an exceptional circumstance, implementing and evidencing robust decision making, facilitating social visits, complaints handling and visiting in end-of-life care.

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