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Non-Medical Prescribing in Paediatrics and Child Health

News and presentations from today's Non-Medical Prescribing in Paediatrics and Child Health virtual CPD conference, chaired by Claire Osborne, Trust Lead for Advanced Practice & Non-Medical Prescribing, Paediatric ACP, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and HLS Lecturer - Advanced Practice, Oxford Brookes University

Speaker: Jaikumar Ganapathi
Consultant Paediatrician and Clinical Lead for Rapid Access Service, Hillington Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

EXTENDED SESSION: Improving your skills as a nurse/non medical prescriber in paediatrics and child health

• current issues in prescribing for infants, children and young people
• challenges of prescribing in paediatrics and child health
• pharmacological implications when prescribing for children and young people
• developing confidence and competence in your ability to prescribe
• working to improve information and communication with children and parents on medicines
• interactive case study breakout groups using clinical case examples case studies of the top 6-8 common paediatric conditions

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Jai discussed prescribing for different conditions in children, when you would use particular medicines and what implications you need to consider. Jai debated whether a fever in a child should be treated with paracetamol if it isn't causing distress. 

Resource: www.what0-18.nhs.uk - gives treatment pathways for different conditions in general paediatrics 






Speaker: Ms Teresa Johnson
AssocMs Teresa Johnsoniate professor CYP Health Sciences, University of East Anglia

Improving and demonstrating competence in nurse/non medical prescribing for children using the national prescribing competency framework
• developing and maintaining confidence in prescribing practice
• ensuring CYP focused prescribing is embedded into generic NMP programmes
• ensuring your practice is evidence based: guidelines and evidence 
• assessing and evaluating your own prescribing competence (including diagnosis, treatment and monitoring)
• using the revised prescribing competency framework to develop, demonstrate and maintain continued competence in Nurse/Non-Medical Prescribing
• using the National Framework in Paediatric and Child Health: challenges and opportunities

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