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Safety Planning for Suicide

Thu, 20 Mar 2025

Virtual, Online

This course is to understand how to collaboratively plan for safety from suicide

This masterclass will give you knowledge of how and when to introduce a safety plan. You will understand how to collaboratively work with a person with thoughts of suicide to develop a safety plan and have the opportunity to practice, to increase feelings of confidence and preparedness. Suicide can affect individuals of many ages, ranging from 4 to 90+ years old. There is a strong evidence base to suggest having a safety plan in place can significantly reduce the risk of suicide behaviour and this forms part of the NICE Guidelines for self-harm and suicide prevention.


Anyone working within a role that involves supporting others, who has already attended suicide awareness or alertness training.


  • Understand the diverse nature of thoughts of suicide

  • Understand the difference between safety forever and safety ‘for now’

  • Understand that all persons with thoughts of suicide need a safety plan

  • Understand what is a safety plan and who should have one

  • When we should introduce a safety plan

  • How to work together and collaboratively develop a safety plan

  • The elements of a safety plan

  • Who can we involve and share the safety plan with?

Facilitated by:

Ms Alice Newton-Leeming

Founder and Director
Mental Health Learning Ltd

Fee Options

Virtual Training



Virtual Voluntary sector & charities



Virtual Commercial organisations



(Prices in brackets include VAT)


Additional delegate discount:

A discount of 15% will be applied to fees for any extra delegates.

Online discount:

A discount of 10% will be applied if you pay using the website.

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