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Improving Quality at Clinical Service Level
This conference focuses on improving quality at a clinical service/directorate level, and on ensuring good governance and assurance. There will be a focus on preparing and ensuring readiness for inspection under the Revised CQC Assessment Framework which is currently under review, and understanding how you can prepare for the forthcoming modifications to the framework.
The event features extended sessions on understanding your responsibilities as a clinical lead and self assessing quality, and all its elements in your directorate or service, on improving patient participation in quality improvement, on driving improvement, building a culture of learning and innovation and undertaking a mock inspection of your service.
“Our core purpose is to make sure health and social care services provide people with safe, effective, compassionate, high-quality care and we encourage services to improve.”
Care Quality Commission January 2025
“We acknowledge too the strength of feeling from providers about the need to improve their experience of inspection.”
James Bullion, Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care and Integrated Care 11 February 2025
“The second stage of the CQC Review into the Assessment Framework and Implementation will focus on
• An understanding of what providers want from assessment, including learning from regulation elsewhere within the UK.
• The changes required within the assessment framework to establish consistency in assessment in the different sectors.
• Clearer definitions of “what good regulatory assessment looks like” for each area of the assessment framework.
• Clearer guidance on what the assessment reporting process and content, including initial feedback, timing of reports, relationship with providers, press release and the reports.”
CQC February 2025
This conference will enable you to:
Network with colleagues who are working to understand and prepare for the New CQC Assessment Framework
Examine the changes and reflect on the implications of the review
Ensure readiness, and effective governance and assurance at clinical directorate/service level
Understand the factors influencing assessment of quality and performance
Reflect on how you can prepare your service for CQC Inspection
Improve patient participation in quality improvement
Explore your role and responsibility as a clinical lead
Drive improvement proactively
Effectively lead CQC improvement and demonstrate well led in your service
Understand how you can translate the CQC quality statements into continuous improvement in frontline service delivery
Build a culture of learning and innovation: ensure staff and leaders have a good understanding of how to make improvement happen
Implement effective self assessment and mock inspection, and learn from this
Self assess and reflect on your own practice
Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes