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We will explore how MEWS, NEWTT2 and the Perinatal Optimisation Care Pathway have been adopted in organisations across the country and the impact we have seen in recognising and responding to deterioration in maternity care. Case studies will be used to review guidelines and protocols for sepsis management and postpartum hemorrhage, as well as strategies to train and educate frontline staff for effective communication across teams.
“The new National Maternity Early Warning Score tool will allow us to improve the quality and consistency in the identification of episodes of deterioration in the pregnant population. This is the first national tool for England and the first based on population data.”
NHS England, May 2024
“The resulting new MEWS is more accurate than the current tools, and will generate fewer false alerts. The new approach is being rolled out across the NHS in England and will help staff identify and respond to signs of deterioration in pregnant women. The paper version of the tool has been implemented in 16 units across the country. A digital version is nearly complete. The aim is that every organisation will have implemented MEWS across England by March 2026.”
National Institute for Health and Care Research, May 2024
“The new National Maternity Early Warning Score tool will allow us to improve the quality and consistency in the identification of episodes of deterioration in the pregnant population. This is the first national tool for England and the first based on population data.”
Tony Kelly, National Specialty Advisor for National Maternity and Neonatal Programme, NHS England, May 2024
By attending this conference you will benefit from the expertise of obstetricians, midwives and researchers as they share invaluable insights, best practice and strategies for addressing deterioration in maternity care.
This conference will enable you to:
Network with colleagues who are working to improve recognition and response to deterioration in maternity care
Learn from those with lived experience to improve practice
Reflect on national developments and learning and how you can adopt and implement MEWS in your maternity service
Update your knowledge on the Maternity Early Warning Score and how it applies to maternity services
Develop your skills in advanced maternity care practice and monitoring adherence
Ensure assurance and accountability for implementing MEWs in your organisation
Improving the early recognition and management of deterioration of either mother or baby during or soon after birth
Improve the communication of MEWS and NEWTT2 at the interface of care
Reflect on training and education in maternity services and how this can be supported and improved
Understand how you can foster a culture of psychological safety in promoting teamwork
Identify key strategies for improving leadership, teamwork and culture in maternity services
Learn from leading obstetricians, midwives and researchers in best practice
Improve early recognition and learning from adverse outcomes
Self assess and reflect on your own practice
Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for
CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes