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How to Gain Effective Feedback from Stakeholders Aligned to CQC Evidence Categories in Care Homes

This courses aims to give providers innovative ways to gather feedback data from all stakeholders in line with CQC ‘I’ and ‘we’ statements and the evidence categories. Attendees will learn how to effectively manage feedback mechanisms and demonstrate how they involve people using service to inform service improvements.

The Care Quality Commissions Single Assessment Framework has seen changes in the way data is gathered and analysed by the commission with 6 x evidence categories developed as part of the new framework. 

Whilst the framework is still evolving and changes continue to take place, there is still a requirement people using the service and, staff & leaders feedback is used to drive improvements.

Following the return to assessments/ inspections by the commission and local authority teams, there has been a trend with many services being rated as required improvements, inadequate in the safe, caring and well led key questions and ‘Poor’ in Local authority standards.

Feedback from staff and leaders forms one of the three evidence categories with feedback as a focus.  Inspectors observations of services, staff practices, team working, and culture further demonstrates how services need to invest in training for managers to understand how to successfully gather feedback, analyse the data, produce a sustainable action plan and, demonstrate how feedback informs service improvements.

This course helps services to identify different feedback mechanisms, the missed opportunities to gather quality data in services and,  gives you the tools to produce an effective pathway of data gathering and service improvement planning.


  • Discuss The Care Quality Commissions Quality Statements and pathways of potential evidence aligned to evidence categories.

  • Gain a knowledge and understanding of common themes and practices around feedback surveys. What is working well and not so well in services inspected.

  • Discover the feedback mechanisms in care services and how to use them effectively to drive change.

  • Evaluate different feedback approaches gaining hints and tips aligned to quality statements to be inspection ready

Facilitated by Tracey McGee

Tracey has worked in health and social care for over 20 years. She began her career within Occupational Therapy in acute front door services such as A & E, admission avoidance and emergency assessment units. Tracey has worked with some of the Uk’s leading providers as a specialist adviser in healthcare, social care. Tracey provides independent support and advice supporting services on compliance and governance to regulations, turn around services, working alongside nationally recognised legal teams on enforcement actions and notice of proposals and decisions to terminate registrations.

Tracey has a degree in health including law and ethics. Tracey has a BA (Hons) degree in Leadership and management in which her dissertation had the subject focus of team working with the psychological principles underpinning team working. Tracey is also a mentor and coach volunteer using any free time to work with The Princes Trust. Tracey works on varies programmes including, coaching young people and over 25’s returning to work, to develop confidence and self-awareness skills to be ready for the workplace.

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