Conference chair: Dr Stamatios Karavolos Consultant Gynaecologist Royal Salford Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Opening presentation by Dr Pallavi Dasannacharya Consultant Anaesthetist and Clinical Lead Day Surgery Unit, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Optimising your Day Case Gynaecology Pathway
• Patient selection and suitability for day case surgery
• Planning for successful day surgery
• Developing your care pathway: what needs to be in place?
Ms Melanie Tipples
Consultant Gynaecologist, University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust; Head of School of Obstetrics & Gynaecology HEKSS
Best Practice Day Case Hysterectomy - setting up your service
• Introduction of a day case Hysterectomy service
• Day case Hysterectomy protocol
• Surgical tips to support enhanced recovery
• Patient information and follow up after day case surgery
Dr Mary Stocker
Consultant Anaesthetist, Torbay & South Devon Healthcare Trust; Clinical Lead, South West Ambulatory Orthopaedic Centre; and Past President, The British Association of Day Surgery (BADS)
Monitoring your outcomes in Day Case Surgery
• Opportunities for benchmarking
• How monitoring your outcomes
About the British Association of Day Surgery (BADS)
The British Association of Day Surgery (BADS) is a multi-disciplinary organisation constituted of surgeons, anaesthetists, nurses and allied healthcare professionals, including operating department practitioners, anaesthetic practitioners, perioperative assistants, physiotherapists and hospital managers.
It is committed to promoting excellence in day surgery via its educational activities, publications and collaborations with other organisations including Getting it Right First Time and The Centre for Perioperative Care.
Membership benefits include free access to our online handbooks, advice sheets, day surgery directories and previous annual conference presentations. Members also receive discounted fees for the BADS Annual Conference and HCUK/BADS virtual conferences and are eligible to apply for the BADS Educational Grant and complimentary membership of the International Association of Ambulatory Surgery. They may also submit unlimited publications to the Journal of One Day Surgery without incurring article processing fees
Further information is available from the BADS website
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