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News and updates from Day Case Knee Arthroplasty - BADS conference

The meeting focused on optimising day case surgery, particularly in knee arthroplasty, with discussions on patient pathway, team involvement, and service delivery.

Mr Graham WalshMr Graham Walsh, Knee Surgeon & Medical Director, Yorkshire & Humber Academic Health Science Network, chaired a meeting about day case at knee arthroplasty. The meeting aimed to discuss aspects of day case surgery, team involvement, and service delivery


Dr Michael SwartDr Mike Swart, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust; and Joint lead the national review of anaesthetic and perioperative medicine, discussed the 'Getting it Right First Time' initiative, its link to hip and knee arthroplasty, and the focus on patient pathway rather than clinical aspects. He highlighted the pre-pandemic increase in waiting lists, the impact of Covid-19, and the current situation where 7.6 million people are waiting for treatment in England.

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KarMs Karen Harriesen Harries, Day Surgery Nursing, Lead King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust; Honorary Secretary, BADS British Association of Day Surgery, discussed the benefits and optimisation of day surgery in the UK context, emphasising its advantages for patients and hospitals.

She highlighted the criteria for determining which surgical procedures can be done as day cases and the evolution and safety of day surgery in the NHS.

Karen stressed the importance of planning and executing surgeries as day cases, focusing on risk factors, patient management, and the patient's ability to undergo the procedure. She also highlighted the need for better management of diabetic patients and the importance of early intervention to prevent delays in surgery. 

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