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Transforming Acute Care for Older People Living with Frailty

Dr James AdamsDr James Adams  

Consultant Geriatrician, Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Dr James Adams is a Consultant Geriatrician and current Chief of Service for Frailty and Community Services based at the Royal Surrey. He has a long track record of improving services for older people living with frailty in acute hospital and comm…

Training and educating frontline staff in frailty

  • ensuring all clinicians acquire the knowledge and skills appropriate for safe and competent care of older people with comorbidities and frailty
  • frailty scoring and screening
  • how do we prevent moderate frailty becoming severe – ensuring a consistent approach to preventing deconditioning
  • developing the role of the National Frailty Academy

James started his talk speaking about why frailty is important. He stated that 15 – 20% of A&E attendances a month at Royal Surrey County Hospital for people living with frailty and that over 50% of their funds were spent on the over 65 age group.

Education and Training in frailty using a framework such as the Core Capabilities framework is fundamental to ensure safe and effective care for older people across health and care systems.

Everyone should be Tier 1 trained and should know where to go to access expert care when they encounter frailty.

Learn how to use the Clinical Frailty Score to identify frailty, be part of the frailty CQUIN, embed in acute pathways (review GIRFT 6 steps to better care in hospitals & Acute Frailty Network key principles)

Change the conversation from “what’s matter with me” to “what matters to me” and focus on prevention of hospital acquired harms

Dr Adrian Hopper

Consultant Physician and Deputy Medical Director, Guy's & St Thomas's NHS Foundation Trust

Adrian Hopper is a Geriatrician based at Guys an St Thomas, NHS Foundation Trust where he has been Deputy Medical Director for Patient Safety.

He is the GIRFT lead for Geriatric Medicine and has visited 110 trusts and is currently supporting…

Changing care systems for people with frailty during and beyond the pandemic

  • frailty: national update and recommendations from Getting it Right First Time in Geriatrics
  • agreeing care standards: the need for a co-ordinated frailty strategy
  • developing an effective frailty system
  • identifying frailty early through systematic assessment
  • effective use of data, leadership within the new structures, clinical quality improvement within hospital trusts and quality improvement at the interface with the community

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