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Only 62% of Cancer patients receiving the right amount of support

The latest results from the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey show there has been little progress in how well those living with and beyond cancer are supported; "Respondents were also asked if during the time between their final treatment and their first follow up appointment, they were provided information and support that was right for them. 62.4% (62.5% in 2021) said this was the case." Read more here

Learn how you can improve practice and outcomes for those living with and beyond cancer at the Cancer Survivorship Summit CPD certified conference taking place virtually on Friday 6th October 2023. 

You will hear national updates and best practice case studies supporting you to deliver on the priorities outlined by NHS England and develop effective personalised support and services. The conference will also explore how we meet the unmet needs of people living with and beyond cancer, accelerating the roll-out of stratified follow up pathways and the commissioning of holistic packages of support, and ensuring every person with cancer will have access to relevant elements of a personalised care approach. 

Secure your Place: For the full programme content, speaker line-up and to book visit www.healthcareconferencesuk.co.uk/conferences-masterclasses/cancer-survivorship

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