News and updates from today's conference focusing on developing and supporting the role, discussing key topical issues, bringing together decision makers, departmental managers, course leaders and assistant practitioners (current and aspiring) together in one place to effect positive and sustainable change.
Claire Langman
Associate Dean for Nursing, Health Sciences and Practice Based Learning
Plymouth Marjon University
• support for the AP role
• national developments and where the AP sits in regard to other developing roles such as Nursing Associates
• an update from Health Education England
Supporting APs into Practice
Jenny Ferraby
Lecturer in Health & Social Care,
School of Community Health & Midwifery
University of Central Lancashire
• supporting APs into practice
• working through the challenges
• partnerships in action
Jenny said "Self Care is so valuable when studying and when in work, you need to take time to rest, recharge and recuparate"
Ali Richards
Senior Lecturer Programme Lead - Assistant Practitioner
University of Cumbria
• developing your clinical leadership skills
• progression routes for assistant practitioners
• transferable skills and development
• supporting AP development in our organisation
Ali asked - What is leadership? she said "Leadership is a different thing for everybody, we know it when we see it" She also said "Leadership for me is all about change".
Ali went on to say "We have a massive issue with recruitment and retention, we need more people in the workforce". "The Assistant practitioner is one of the answers".