Patient Experience at the Heart of Serious Incident Management
Follow the conference on Twitter #NHSSeriousIncidents
Today's chair:
Mike O’Connell
Legal Services Practitioner and Interim Senior Inquests Manager
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust
Carolyn Cleveland
C&C Empathy Training Ltd
• enabling patient partnership for improvement
• training and supporting frontline staff to work with patient partners
• the role of patients in driving patient safety improvement
• how excellent engagement can produce better results for patients and Trust during investigation of patient safety incidents
The Decision to Investigate: Identifying and prioritizing incidents that have the greatest potential for learning
Lucy Winstanley
Head of Patient Safety and Quality
West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust
• the decision to investigate: identifying and prioritizing incidents that have the greatest potential for learning
• developing criteria for full investigation
• ensuring a proportionate response: methods for managing and learning from other types of incidents
• ensuring conclusions in investigations will lead to inform learning and change practice
• case studies and examples
This conference is also taking place on Friday 18th August 2023