This virtual conference provides a unique opportunity to learn from the experiences of other Clinical Directors and develop your skills as an effective Clinical Director.
What makes an excellent Clinical Director?
Dr Christine Blanshard
Medical Director
Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust
• the Clinical Directors role
• responsibilities: strategic, directorate and individual
• leadership qualities required for the role
• accountability of Clinical Directors
• supporting Clinical Directors under pressure
• the Clinical Directors role in driving improvement: learning from our experience
• where next for current Clinical Director
EXTENDED SESSION: Perils, protocols & prospects of a clinical director job
Dr Prasanna de Silva
Consultant Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Trust;
& Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer
• definitions; professionalism vs Leadership – mitigating biases (please read pre-talk material)
• self-assessment of your leadership skills - will discuss the Northumbria aptitude questionnaire
• leading culture change and empowering others - using a coaching model, also anticipating culture changes
• leading the directorate: practice servant leadership; learning humility, leaving your ego at the door at meetings
• breakout groups - Should we screen out applicants with narcissistic or sociopathic traits when recruiting for CD?
• disseminating practical skills; effective and safe ward rounds (WANTSS training package)
• leading through a crisis; taking the team with you – Data hack, a breakthrough infection, unannounced CQC visit
• skills to move to a board level Medical Director position - reputation for a ‘safe pair of hands’, diplomacy, contacts
• difficult conversations and managing colleagues – NOT passing on to HR, ‘respectful resolution’; a ‘protector’ essential
• breakout groups - how do you balance out needs of staff vs. needs of organisation (including financial issues)
SUPPLIER SHOWCASE: Doc2UK - Connecting overseas doctors and NHS Hospitals
Dr Naveen Keerthi
• high-quality candidates (Post MRCEM, MRCS, MRCP, FRCR) who are vetted and validated
• a streamlined recruitment at almost third the cost compared to locum placements and
half the cost compared to other recruiters
• support to the doctors by a team of NHS doctors who made the same journey and
understand the apprehensions of a new doctor in the UK