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Monitoring & Reducing Medication Errors: High Risk Medicines & Patient Groups

News and updates from today's conference focusing on prioritising high risk medications and high risk patient groups to enable your interventions to have the highest impact on patient care and reduction in patient harm. 

Joining us first is Shaun Kinghorn,  Learning and Development Consultant, who joins us to deliver a session on: Medication Safety: A Patient Perspective

Shaun joins us to share his experiences of being on long term 'risky' medications and how they can be managed safely.

"In summary, I feel safer on these risky medications when some of these things are in place."

Michelle Stafford Acting Safety and Learning Lead NHS Resolution is up next, talking to us about: The National Medication Safety Programme and Learning from Medication Error Claims

"Overall with medication errors, what actions can you take?" 

"Taking responsibility isn't about blaming individuals...this is how we can get that open culture and shared learning."

We are back from our break to hear from Mike O'Connell, Legal Services Practitioner with an extended session on Managing and Investigating the Legal Aspects of a Medication Incident. 

"Most legal teams within trusts are now heavily involved with health inquests support for staff, its a tangible thing we can do for staff."

"Use simple language...it will help the coroner, it will help the family. Keep the language simple, explain things."

Dr Samantha Machen Head of Patient Safety Incident Response and Patient Safety research fellow University Hospitals of Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, has joined us now to talk about PSIRF and the practical implications for medication error incident investigation.

"I think PSIRF is a real cornerstone of patient safety...hopefully some of the anxiety can be alleviated."

Back from lunch and Gillian Cavell Consultant Pharmacist , Medication Safety Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust joins us to talk about Medication Errors, Decision Support and ePrescribing.

Perbinder Grewal, General & Vascular Surgeon, Human Factors & Patient Safety Trainer, and Emotional Intelligence Practitioner is now with us talking about human factors, human performance and medication areas. 

Merina Michael Non-Medical Prescriber Education Lead (Trust Wide) Barts Health NHS Trust is joining us to talk about Non-Medical Prescribers and Medication Errors.

"Through practice we come unconsciously competent...but that means we can become unconsciously incompetent."

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