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Eating Disorders Summit 2023: Improving Access, Treatment & Recovery Outcomes

News and updates from today's confererence focusing on Eating Disorders: improving access, treatment and recovery outcomes, and meeting the national standards for children, young people and adults. There is focus on early intervention and a new extended session focusing on Managing Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders following the 2022 Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders National Guidance.


Lived Experience and Planting The Seeds of Recovery

Katharine Lazenby
Expert by Experience and Project Manager
East London NHS Foundation Trust



• my experience of living with an eating disorder and inpatient treatment
• reflections on factors that support recovery
• Covid-19 & eating disorders

Katherine opened the day by talking about her lived experience of an eating disorder. Katherine said 'My eating disorder first presented at the age of 19 whilst at university'. ' I was told I was not ill enough to access services when I first reached out for help'.

Katherine went on to explain that she became a revolving door patient and was admitted to hospital for many stays over a period of more than 10 years. Lots of her stays were over a year long. she said 'Being around other patients can lead to a competitiveness and a very toxic environment'

Katherine concluded by saying 'Early intervention is key, you can't wait for people to be so ill that they have to be admitted to hospital'


Supporting Adults with Eating Disorders: Improving early intervention access and spreading hope

Dr Giulia Di Clemente
Senior Counselling Psychologist and FREED Network Coordinator
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust



• our experience of implementing FREED and the importance of early intervention FREED
• creative ways to reach out and engage
• tackling inequalities in access

Giulia opened by discussing when eating disorders can present. She said 'Hormonal changes and stress can contribute to Eating Disorders, it often presents in adolescence'.

Giulia went on to say 'Emerging Adulthood ages 16 - 25 is a time when a young person is going through a lot of changes, developing their identity etc, FREED helps young people manage these transitions'


The lived experience of medical emergencies in Eating Disorders

James Downs
Patient Representative CR233: Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders: Guidance on Recognition and Management


• my experience
• how we could improve services for men with eating disorders

James highlighted how important it is not to stigmatise an eating disorder, he said 'I have had many occasions where health professionals have said to me  - I didn't think this was a problem that Men had?'



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