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Celebrating National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Day (National CNS Day)

Celebrating National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Day (National CNS Day)
#NationalCancerCNSDay | 26 April 2023

Co-led by the Greater Manchester Cancer Alliance, UKONS and Macmillan with support from Health Education England and Royal College of Nursing, the National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist Day aims to raise the profile and showcase the amazing work of Cancer Clinical Specialist Nurses, at a time when patients and the cancer workforce need them more than ever. 

On average, someone is diagnosed with cancer every 90 seconds in England and they seek the expert support of this profession. The UK government has pledged to expand the cancer workforce, but recruitment has not kept pace with the increasing demand for cancer services. It is estimated that 30% of the specialist cancer nurse workforce will be retiring within the next 10 years, while the number of patients requiring their care increases. To bridge the gap, the number of cancer clinical nurse specialists will have to increase by 100% in the next eight years. www.rcn.org.uk 

Speaking on the day last year, RCN Chair of Council and Cancer Nurse Specialist, Carol Popplestone, said: “The role of the cancer nurse has evolved over time as survival rates have improved.

“A cancer diagnosis is devastating for patients and cancer nurses are there to provide the support and help they need throughout their treatment. 

“Cancer nurses are the cornerstone of that care, helping patients understand their treatment options and doing clinical tasks and check-ups. Patients having treatment may be seen by a number of healthcare professionals and cancer nurses provide the continuity of care they so badly need.

“As a Cancer Nurse Specialist, I hope this first-ever National Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist awareness day will help shine a light on the rewarding career our speciality offers and encourage more people to pursue it.”

It is essential that Cancer Nurse Specialists are valued in their role and given opporutnity to reflect on their practice and expand their knowledge.  Celebrating National CNS Day and supporting current and aspiring Cancer Nurse Specialists with their skills development, the forthcoming Effective Nurse Prescribing in Cancer Care CPD certified conference is taking place virtually on Thursday 15th June 2023.

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