Chair's Introduction and Welcome: Improving Hip Fracture Care and Outcomes
Prof Cameron Swift
Emeritus Professor, Consultant Physician, Kings School of Medicine
Chair, NICE Guideline Development Group for Hip Fracture (CG124)
Lead/specialist, Participation Quality Standard Development
Member, NHFD Advisory Committee
• learning from the national database and implementing improvement at a local level
• key recommendations from the National Hip Fracture Database
• monitoring adherence to the NICE Quality Standard: what’s working well and what’s not?
• identifying variation in length of stay for Hip Fractures
• monitoring the impact in your service
• ensuring that the clinical leadership is in place to deliver and audit high-quality care
Prof Cameron Swift Biography 0.01 MBDOCXfile
Cameron started the event by discussing the hip fracture programme model and the NICE quality standards.
He then looked into the new wording around eligibility which shows that there is ongoing research and development in this area. He feels this new wording is very helpful.
Cameron discussed where hip fractures occur based on ward type with Medical and Older persons and frailty wards being the highest.