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Improving End of Life Care for people with Cardiovascular Disease & Heart Failure

Through national updates and practical case studies this conference focuses on improving end of life care for people with Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Failure through a person centred approach. 

Case Study: The vital role that system change has to play in improving Heart Failure management at EOLC - Seeing this from multiple perspectives

Dr Charles Daniels
Medical Director
St Lukes Hospice


• tangible benefits to patients of integration of Heart Failure and Palliative care services
• identifying the key dependencies


EXTENDED SESSION: Symptom control, hydration & anticipatory prescribing at the end of life

Dr Rebecca Lane
Consultant Cardiologist & Clinical Lead for Heart Failure
Royal Brompton and Harefield NHS Foundation Trust

• clinical management and symptom control in the last day of life
• ensuring adults in the last days of life have their hydration status assessed daily, and a discussion about the risks and benefits of clinically assisted hydration 
• effective anticipatory prescribing: anticipating new symptoms that may arise and prescribing medicines in advance to manage them
• issues around deactivation of ICDs
• non-medical prescribing
• delivering effective medication review at the end of life and issues with controlled drugs


EXTENDED SESSION: Best practice end of life care for heart failure

Dr Sharon Chadwick
Medical Director, Hospice of St Francis, Berkhamsted, Macmillan Consultant in Palliative Medicine
West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

• supporting and caring for people with end stage disease with a focus on
• what does best practice look like for people with Heart Failure at the end of life
• developing and monitoring care plans for every patient and communicating with family and carers
• ethical dilemmas and decision making
• supporting carers and professionals to deliver excellence
• working in partnership across organisations and services
• delivering effective psychological support
• learning from the Covid-19 pandemic


Supporting Organisations


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