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Eating Disorders & Disordered Eating in the Perinatal Period

Learning from the lived experience of eating disorders in pregnancy

Hope Virgo
Person with Lived Experience

• my experience of living with an eating disorder during pregnancy
• reflections on factors that support recovery
• equipping women with experience of eating disorders to manage pregnancy

EXTENDED SESSION: Eating disorders & disordered eating in the perinatal and postnatal period

Dr Catia Acosta
Consultant Psychiatrist in Eating Disorder, Perinatal & Liaison Psychiatry
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital

• increasing knowledge and awareness of eating disorders in pregnancy
• understanding heightened risk for women with eating disorders because of both the physical and psychological changes involved
• how can we better support pregnant women with eating disorders
• how can we better equip healthcare professionals to support women with eating disorders in pregnancy
• bringing together eating disorder services, perinatal mental health services and midwifery: joint working and examples of good practice
• relapse prevention in the post-natal period
• eating disorders and the impact on breast feeding
• treating compulsive exercise as part of eating disorders
• impact on the child of the mothers eating disorder


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