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Supporting clinical leadership in virtual wards

Published 8th February 2023: Supporting clinical leadership in virtual wards – A guide for integrated care system clinical leaders

The NHS Long Term Plan and the changing commissioning architecture gives us the opportunity to use collective resources within an integrated care system (ICS) to develop a service that supports people to remain independent, safe and in their own homes for as long as possible. Development of services including virtual wards should be a continuum of care through collaboration, supporting both a proactive and reactive approach to delivering care in a joined-up way. We also have the opportunity through using population health intelligence, personalised care and digital inclusion to ensure that the outcomes for patients reduce health inequalities and do not widen them.

A virtual ward is a safe and efficient alternative to NHS bedded care that is enabled by technology. Virtual wards, including hospital at home, support patients who would otherwise be in hospital to receive the acute care, monitoring and treatment they need in their own home or place of residence. 

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Related event:

Setting up and running Virtual Wards

Thursday 20th April 2o23, Virtual Confernece 

Attending this conference will enable you to:

  • Network with colleagues who are working to deliver virtual wards
  • Learn from outstanding practice in setting up and running virtual wards 
  • Reflect on national developments and learning from case studies in various clinical areas 
  • Improve the way you use and implement the Virtual Ward and Urgent Community Response Capabilities Framework
  • Understand how you can develop the role of the Virtual Ward Nurse
  • Ensure patient safety and effective timely responses to deterioration
  • Develop your skills and competence in running and working in virtual wards 
  • Understand how you can improve governance,  remote monitoring technology enablement and the management of patients via a digital platform managed remotely by a clinical team
  • Identify key strategies for ensuring best practice in consent, and understanding legal and information governance requirements

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