A Joint British Association of Day Surgery & HCUK Virtual Conference
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The need for day surgery to address the backlog in Elective Orthopaedic surgery
• Update on current national waiting list focussing on Orthopaedics
• Variation in day surgery rates
• Potential solutions
• HVLC programme
Dr Chris Snowden
Consultant Anaesthetist, Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Freeman Hospital); and Clinical Lead (joint) for Perioperative Medicine, Royal College of Anaesthetists
1. Consultant Anaesthetist Freeman Hospital Newcastle upon Tyne. 2. Honorary Senior Lecturer. Institute of Cellular Medicine Newcastle University 3. National Clinical Lead (Joint) for Get it Right First Time (GIRFT): Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine. 4. Clinical Ambassador for GIRFT – North East, North Cumbria and Yorkshire
Chris gives an update on the impact of the Covid19 pandemic on the backlog of elective surgery, looks at recovery efforts and where we are now in terms of elective backlog.
He discusses the temporary increase of supply and the need for a more permanent approach to recovering elective backlog. He discusses a "smarter" approach which is to start thinking about improved asset utilisation, freeing up theatre capacity and systematic separation of elective and non-elective surgery.
Optimising your Day Case Pathway
• Key elements of a day surgery pathway
• Patient suitability for day surgery
• Planning for successful day surgery
Dr Mary Stocker
Consultant Anaesthetist, Torbay & South Devon Healthcare Trust; Clinical Lead, South West Ambulatory Orthopaedic Centre; and Past President, The British Association of Day Surgery (BADS)
During the presentation, Mary covers in more detail how to deliver Day Surgery, best practice guidance, standard pathways/recipes, principles of Day Surgery, the Day Case Pathway and procedure specific best practice pathways and protocols.