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Adult Safeguarding Investigation: Undertaking and Learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews

News and presentations from today’s conference focusing on Adult Safeguarding Investigation and Undertaking and Learning from Safeguarding Adults Reviews.

Safeguarding Investigation and Safeguarding Adults Review Learning from National Analysis of Safeguarding Adult Reviews

Suzy Braye OBE
Emerita Professor of Social Work University of Sussex 
& Co-Author Analysis of Safeguarding Adult Reviews Findings for Sector Led Improvement 


• learning from the National Analysis of Safeguarding Adults Reviews
• what is working well and areas for improvement
• ensuring the quality markers are used in practice
• SAR governance and decision making
• highlighting good practice and ensuring change
• adult safeguarding during Covid-19: emerging risks and challenges

Suzy opened the conference by explaining the purpose of Safeguarding Adult Reviews - "They are to help us find out what can be learnt and what has gone wrong, to try and put things right and to improve how agencies work" Suzy said the reviews often end with recommendations. 

Suzy talked through The First National Analysis of SARS 2020 which she was involved in which was commissioned by The Care and Health Improvement Programme. Suzy explained the key findings from this analysis and what will be taken from this going forward. 



Learning from Lived Experience

Chandos Green
Disability and Mental Health Campaigner



• how people make sense of their experiences; what helps & what hinders
• practitioners’ responses to service users’ views
• recommendations for adult safeguarding

Chandy talked through his lived experience of being diagnosed with a brain tumour aged 3. He recovered but much later during his first year at university he was diagnosed with another tumour. 

When talking about his experience Chandy said "Often the individual at the centre is not being listened to and there is a lack of communication"

Chandy also said "Finding out what is important to the individual and involving them in the process is key".


Using the learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) to identify systemic risk issues and improve practice

Cath Erine
Adult Safeguarding Board Manager
Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council

• facilitating frontline professional involvement in the SAR to enable change
• identifying the learning and developing proportionate action plans
• effective action planning
• the challenge of publication and overlapping reviews
• effective communication of the lessons from safeguarding adults reviews

Cath discussed how to maximize the benefits or a safeguarding adult review. 

Cath said "Self neglect is a really challenging area" "I think the key things are the the following - Shared Ownership - Everyone needs to come to the table to provide their expertise" "Prepare for the longhaul - it takes as long as it takes" and "The power of lived experience - we now have a number of adults who come to meetings to discuss the things that worked for them which is really valuable."

Cath concluded by saying "Take the learning and do the reflection"

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