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Patient Involvement & Partnership for Patient Safety

Follow the conference on Twitter #PatientPSP2022

Today's Chair:

Lucy Watson
The Patients Association




Developing the role of Patient Safety Partners

Anastasia Lungu-Mulenga
Head of Community Engagement and Patient Experience
Solent NHS Trust

• enabling patients to be partners in their own safety
• developing the role of Patient Safety Partners
• why is patient involvement key to patient safety?



Methods of involving patients to improve patient safety in high risk areas

Professor Helen Young
Executive Director of Patient Care & Service Transformation
South Central Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust

• interventions to promote patient involvement in patient safety
• collaborating with patients to improve patient safety
• establishing principles and expectations for the involvement of patients, families, carers and other lay people in providing safer care
• improving safety in high risk areas of clinical practice through patient involvement: patient deterioration; medicines reconciliation and hospital acquired infection
• do approaches to involving patients in improving their safety risk damaging the trust between patients and healthcare professionals?



Combining Patient Partnership with Patient Experience

Louise Gallie 
Patient Advocate, Blog Writer
and Volunteer at
 University Hospitals Plymouth


• lived experience of ICU and beyond
• the power of the patient story
• the importance of creating patient partnerships

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