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NHS Complaints Summit

Follow the conference on Twitter #NHSComplaints

Today's chair:

Julie Thallon Vice Chair The Patients Association




EXTENDED SESSION: The NHS Wide Complaint Standard

Jo Power
Liaison Officer
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

Catherine Bulger
Dispute Resolution Caseworker
Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman

• PHSO update
• supporting and improving front line complaint handling
• the new NHS Complaint Standards, model procedure and guidance
• what the Standards mean for your organisation
• implementing the standards in your service

Investigating and Responding to Complaints with Compassion

Ben Wesson Head of Customer Enquiries and Complaints, People and Organisational Effectiveness
Nursing and Midwifery Council

• aims of training clinicians, managers and a patient panel in complaint management
• techniques for reviewing complaints processes
• the importance of communicating with patients clearly throughout the process
• North Bristol NHS Trust project – engaging staff and patients to commit to improving patient experience, and moving forwards


This conference is also taking place on THURSDAY 3 NOV 2022

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