The Patient Safety Incident Response Framework
Professor Helen Young
Executive Director of Patient Care & Service Transformation
South Central Ambulance NHS Foundation Trust
• PSIRF: the revised framework
• working with the early adopters
• key differences between the PSIRF and the Serious Incident Framework
• moving forward: a timeline for implementation and measuring success
Professor Helen Young Biography 0.01 MBDOCXfile
Professor Helen Young Slides 0.49 MBPPTXfile
Prof Helen Young gave everyone an overview about what PSIRF is. Confirming that the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework will replace the current Serious Incident Framework (SIF). "PSIRF moves away from reactive and hard-to-define thresholds for ‘Serious Incident’ investigation and moves towards a proactive approach to learning from incidents."
Helen then went through the introductory model on how to prepare, which includes 3 parts - how to prepare for incidents, responding and then oversight of Incident Management.
Early Adopter of the PSIRF – Experience and Learning
Marcia Meaning
Head of Patient Safety
Isle of Wight NHS Trust
• leading the way on the PSIRF and how the Trust has implemented the pilot scheme
• challenges and barriers to change: fostering a patient safety culture
• a whole systems change to how we think and respond when an incident happens to prevent recurrence
• our experience as an early adopter: identifying local priorities
Marcia discussed how they prepared for PSIRF by starting with identifying a project lead, dedicated staffing and a response plan template. It was important to engage the executive team, trust and ket stakeholders. They moved on to share the plan with NHS I/I, conductin reviews invilving commissioners and staff.
Marcia also talked about how it was important to introduce a learning culture.