News and presentations from today's Digital Imaging conference, chaired by Dr Tarannum Rampal, Consultant Anaesthetist, Princess Royal & Clinical and Strategy Lead, Kent and Medway Prehabiltation
A Patient Perspective
Tony Collier BEM
Patient Representative
Prehab4Cancer in Greater Manchester
• my personal story and relationship with exercise
• Prehab4Cancer in Greater Manchester – a real success story
• outcomes of patient focus groups, the patient perspective
Tony discussed the patient perspective and how he took control of his cancer diagnosis by focussing on exercise and how this led to him becoming a patient representative for Prehab4Cancer in Greater Manchester.
EXTENDED SESSION: Integrating Prehabilitation into the Care Pathway FOCUS: Prehabilitation for People with Cancer
June Davis
Allied Health Professional Advisor, Policy and Impact
Macmillan Cancer Support
• integrating prehabilitation into the cancer care pathway
• the impact of poor physical and mental health on outcomes
• planning and delivery of prehabilitation service in cancer care
• working with patients to optimise
- physical activity and exercise
- nutrition
- psychological support and behaviour change
• principles and guidance for prehabilitation within the management and support of people with cancer
This session includes small breakout groups
June discussed the stages of prehabilitation and the important considerations required with regards to workforce at each stage based on local situations and the need to ensure patient safety.
She also discussed the use of different outcomes that have been designed to support and inform those working in healthcare about designing, developing and delivering cancer prehabilitation and rehabilitation.