This conference aimed at senior clinicians, clinical directors, responsible officers, medical directors and clinical leads, focuses on managing and supporting doctors in difficulty. Managing colleagues in difficulty and doctors with difficult behaviour is generally seen to be the most challenging element of a Clinical or Medical Directors role.
Managing Doctors in Difficulty, and Doctors exhibiting challenging behaviour
Dr Jeremy Rushmer
Medical Director
Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
• the impact of culture on behaviour and performance: our experience
• ensuring open and honest communication
• understanding the root cause of the problem and tackling concerns
• developing an approach based on values based leadership
Learning from loss and changing the culture
Dr Laurel Spooner
Retired General Practitioner
As a retired General Practitioner, Laurel will reflect on the challenges of the working culture
within the NHS as well as how we must move to a kinder system that treats its staff with
much needed compassion. She will also highlight the organisation Doctors in Distress.
Bringing joy back into work: supporting health professionals with mental health concerns
Dr Helen Garr
Medical Director
NHS Practitioner Health
• finding joy at work in challenging times
• supporting health professionals with mental health concerns
• the additional pressure of Covid-19 and how we can support each other
• simple things we can all do to keep well and support each other