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A Practical Guide to Best Practice Symptom Control & Management in End of Life Care

AM Chair’s Welcome & Introduction

Edith Israel
Clinical Lead and Chief Consultant in Palliative Medicine The London Clinic

EXTENDED SESSION: Managing Common and Difficult to Control Symptoms at the End of Life

• common symptoms at the end of life and best practice management
• principles of symptom management
• approaches to managing nausea and vomiting
• breathlessness and respiratory secretions
• symptom assessment and management
• difficult to manage symptoms and palliative care emergencies at the end of life
• ensuring 24/7 access to support to all people at the end of life including those at home
• progress from the 2021 Update of the NICE End of Life Care Quality Standard

Managing Agitation, Delirium and Anxiety at the end of life

Dr Sophie Harrison 
Macmillan Consultant in Palliative Medicine 
University Hospital of South Manchester Foundation Trust

• anxious, restless and occasionally aggressive behaviour at the end of life
• assessment of delirium and management options
• dementia, delirium and depression
• non medical interventions and reassurance: supporting the family
• medical interventions and sedation 

End of Life Care, Covid-19 & Managing Breathlessness

Dee Traue
Consultant in Palliative Medicine North London Hospice

• current issues and challenges in ensuring high quality end of life care during the Covid-19 pandemic
• making difficult decisions around ceilings of treatment and where possible ensuring timely honest conversations about the person’s preferences and priorities, including advance decisions to refuse treatment
• managing Covid-19 symptoms for patients in the community, including at the end of life
• improving care for dying adults in the last days of life: working with hospitals, hospices, care homes and in the community


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