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Quality Accreditation, Monitoring and Assurance in Health and Social Care

News and presentations from today's Quality Accreditation conference, chaired by Julian Emms
Chief Executive Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
(Berkshire was rated as Outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in March 2020)

Julian opened the conference sharing experiences from Berkshire of aligning leadership around Quality Improvement. They take a principle based philosophical approach to quality improvement rather than a tools based approach.  A principle based approach relies on cultural change. Julia said it's important to make sure staff are working on the same QI initiatives, that everyone understands the direction of the organisation, key priorities and their role in achieving these. They have 4 key priorities which are their 'True North' these are: harm free care, supporting our staff, good patient experience and money matters. They take a top down, bottom up approach to cascading priorities with a cycle of negotiation.  

Julian discussed the different leadership styles and the benefits of improvement leadership, he said the cultural impact includes psychological safety and longer term resilience.   

Putting safety, quality improvement and experience at the core of what we do in the NHS

Cristina Serrao Lived Experience Ambassador

Helen Lee Experience of Care Professional Lead – Co-production, Experience of Care Team NHS England and Improvement

• starting with what matters to people using the service
• what is co-production and what difference does it make?
• quality assurance from a patient perspective
• understanding the impact of Covid-19 on patient experience in your service
• key learning points for delivering and sustaining improvements

EXTENDED SESSION: Understanding Quality Metrics for Quality Assurance

Natasha Goswell
System Director of Nursing and Professional Practice
Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust

• devising and delivering a quality assurance accreditation scheme - our experience
• developing your quality metrics: how to choose, set up and monitor the metrics
• what does an accredited ward look like?  – maintain standards and enhancing patient experience
• ward accreditation and shared governance
• keys themes from our experience 

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