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IV Therapy

News and presentations from today's conference focusing on IV Therapy: Difficult Venous Access, Reducing Complications & Improving Practice with Uncompliant Patients. Chaired by Maya Guerrero Treasurer NIVAS & Clinical Specialist Lead for Clinical Procurement and Quality Assurance Team NHS Supply Chain

Supplier Showcase: Advanz Pharma - Xydalba (Dalbavancin)… One dose does it

Lynne Riley Key Account Manager, Anti-infectives Advanz Pharma

• 1 dose of Xydalba (Dalbavancin) gives your patients
• 2 weeks of affective treatment in a single
• 30 minute infusion
• = less days in hospital

EXTENDED SESSION: IV Therapy and Vascular Access Devices National Update and Improving Standardisation and Safety in Vascular Access

Andrew Barton Chair, NIVAS & Nurse Consultant in Vascular Access and IV Therapy
Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust

• innovations, developments and research
• learning from the Pandemic and current issues
• improving safety – moving towards a standardised structure and approach for the
NHS to deliver vascular access services in every hospital
• developing a standardised, dedicated team approach
• improving practice and driving improvement
• moving towards a national framework for vascular access service teams

Andrew gave an overview of the IV Therapy service at his Trust along with national updates. He said for them they assess patients first to see if a vascular access device is even needed. They try to facilitate early discharge and avoid unnecessary admissions. Their ultimate goal is to prevent infection from the devices placed. He said since Covid they have relooked at their service and practice after seeing an increase in MRSA and bacteraemias.  He is involved in work on ANTT and what it means for everyone, this will be published through RCN, NIVAS and IPS. A current NIVAS campaign is Extravasation, they have learnt it's not just a chemotherapy problem.  NHS Resolution paid £15.6M in claims, with 444 patients experiencing harm. NIVAS is hoping to raise awareness of this harm and put in preventative measures. 

Resources: https://dripp.org.uk/ 

Thank you to todays exhibitors:

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