News and presentations from today's conference, focusing on Oral & Maxillofacial Day Surgery. A large volume of this work is carried out on a day stay basis but there is still considerable variation across the country. Most of the day stay activity is in dentoalveolar surgery however, some teams are now carrying out a wider range of procedures that were more traditionally associated with an inpatient stay.
Day Stay Surgery: The State of Play in OMFS
Miss Maire Morton
Clinical Lead for OMFS, GIRFT
Consultant OMF Surgeon
East Lancashire NHS Trust
• An overview of day stay surgery in OMFS
• GIRFT data packs
• Data from Model Hospital
- Miss Maire Morton Biography 0.04 MBDOCXfile
- Miss Maire Morton Abstract 0.01 MBDOCXfile
- Miss Maire Morton Slides 0.87 MBPPTXfile
Maire opened the day by giving an overview of day stay surgery.
Maire said "In the 1970s you would have a two night stay to have your wisdom teeth removed" " As time went on bed pressures became greater and in the mid 1980s day surgery was considered to be safe"
She also said "In 2002 the NHS plan was to make 75% of surgery, day surgery"
Maire concluded her presentation by saying "A third of trusts could probably improve their day case rates" and shared ideas of how to improve this, including sharing ideas and reporting good practice.
Day Stay Surgery in OMFS Trauma: Organizing the Service, Day Case Pathways, Outcomes and Complications
Mr Jiten Parmar
Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon
Maxillofacial Trauma Lead, Deformity, Orbital Reconstruction, Digital Reconstruction
Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
• Development of a day care pathway
• Common myths regarding orbital surgery
• Complication and readmission rates with day case trauma pathways
Jiten talked through an evidence based protocol on the day treatment of zygomatic and orbital fractures. Concluding that by consolidating sub specialst expertise aids success, and day case surgery is safe.