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Investigation of Deaths & Serious Incidents in Mental Health Services

Improving Standards of Serious Incident Reviews through Accreditation, and Using the National Mortality Review Tool under PSIRF

Dr Elena Baker-Glenn
Clinical Director and Consultant psychiatrist
East London Foundation Trust
SIRAN Accreditation Committee
Royal College of Psychiatrists

Jemini Jethwa 
Programme Manager at the College Centre for Quality Improvement 
Royal College of Psychiatrists

• the care review tool for mortality reviews in mental health Trusts
• ‘red-flag’ scenarios which should prompt further investigation
• development of Principles and Standards for serious incident reviews
• experience of the Serious Incident Review Accreditation Network to improve the investigation process and learning

Elena goes through the Serious Incident Review Accreditation Network SIRAN which was launched in January 2020. This sits within the RCPsych College Centre for Quality Improvement (CCQI), of which is it one of almost 30 other quality networks and accreditation programmes. The accreditation “engages clinicians and those on the front line”

This accreditation is “organisation wide rather than particular team”

Elena went through a few differences between this and PSIF which is England only and across all specialties. SIRAN is focused on mental health organisations and is relevant throughout the UK

Jemini discussed the standards of the accreditation. The standard domains are organisational processes, incident review process, reports, involvement of clinical staff and involvement of patients and families.

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