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Moving From Serious Incident Investigation to Implementing PSIRF

Chair’s Introduction & Welcome

Mike O’Connell
Legal Services Practitioner 
and Interim Senior Inquests Manager

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust




Patient Experience at the Heart of Serious Incident Management

Dorit Braun
Retired Charity Chief Exec with personal experience of avoidable harm in the NHS and of working to try to support the NHS to learn from that harm
and Lived Experience Speaker 
Making Families Count


• learning from the lived experience
• how can we put patients and their families at the heart of the process?
• how excellent engagement can produce better results for patients and Trust during serious incident investigations
• family and patient involvement in reviews and investigations


The Patient Safety Incident Response Framework

Dr Lauren Morgan
Morgan Human Systems Ltd
& Author
PSIRF Oversight Framework, NHS England & Improvement



• PSIRF: the revised framework
• working with the early adopters
• key differences between the PSIRF and the Serious Incident Framework
• reviewing your current systems and processes against the new patient safety incident response standards
• moving forward: a timeline for implementation and measuring success

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