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End of Life Care, Covid-19 & Managing Breathlessness
Dr Sam Edward
Medical Director and Consultant in Palliative Medicine
North London Hospice
• current issues and challenges in ensuring high quality end of life care during the Covid-19 pandemic
• making difficult decisions around ceilings of treatment and where possible ensuring timely honest conversations about the person’s preferences and priorities, including
advance decisions to refuse treatment
• managing Covid 19 symptoms for patients in the community, including at the end of life
• improving care for dying adults in the last days of life: working with hospitals, hospices, care homes and in the community
Promoting equity in access to palliative and end-of-life care for ethnic minorities: Lesson from the Covid-19 pandemic
Claude Chidiac
Nurse Consultant Palliative Care
Homerton University Hospital
• the impact of Covid-19 on symptoms, clinical characteristics and outcomes
• operational and system-level changes to improve access and referral to palliative care for those from ethnic minority background
• implications for practice, policy, and research beyond the Covid-19 pandemic