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A Practical Guide to Demonstrating and Improving Prescribing Competence & Practice

This conference updates delegates on the Revised Competency framework for all prescribers, the deadline for full implementation of the framework in practice is September 2022. 


Chair’s Welcome and Introduction EXTENDED SESSION: The Revised (Sept 2021) National Competency Framework for All Practitioners

Professor Angela Alexander MBE
Professor Emerita, School of Pharmacy, University of Reading; 
Chair, Working Party The Competency Framework for Designated Prescribing Practitioners (DPP), Royal Pharmaceutical Society; 
Chair, Task and Finish Group for the 2021 review The Revised National Competency Framework for All Practitioners


• the revised framework
• deadlines for implementation
• what does good prescribing look like? Competency dimensions
• how the national framework can be used in practice
• levels of prescribing competence
• the competency framework for designated prescribing practitioners
• moving forward and current issues

The session presents an overview of the revised framework, a well needed update of the last competency framework which was published in 2016. A lot has changed since the last framework, our ways of working and practices, as well as changes brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic. 
The revised framework introduces key new themes, such as consultation setting, health literacy, social prescribing, sustainable prescribing, supporting other prescribing (DPP). 
Professor Angela Alexander mentions the importance of sustainable prescribing- "our prescribing needs to contribute to the sustainability element of the NHS."
The framework now contains 76 suporting statements- 12 new ones. These sections are added clarity and give examples, as well as integrating the professionalism section into the framework. 

Furthermore, the session covers what good prescribing looks like and the competency dimensions, how the national framework can be used in practice, the levels of prescribing competence, as well as covers current issues and what to expect moving forward.

Developing your skills and leadership as a prescriber

Dr Qun Wang
Trust Lead for Non-Medical Prescribing/Nurse Consultant Geriatrics
Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust

• what support do non-medical prescribers need
• developing your skills as a non-medical prescriber
• being aware of the scope of practice and how to be a safe prescribing practitioner
• prescribing leadership: ensuring prescribing practice is integrated into service development
• how can you make a difference to the service as a Non-Medical Prescriber?
• case study – older people


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