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Caldicott Principles & Information Sharing in End of Life Care

Folow today's conference on Twitter: #CaldicottEndofLife


Today's Chair:

Christopher Fincken
Former Chair UK Caldicott Guardian Council



• principles & rules of information sharing at the end of life


Improving information sharing at the end of life

Tony Bonser 
Member of NHS Patient Experience Workstream;
Hospice UK; 
Member NHS EoLC Programme Management Board; 
and Vice-chair, Trustees St Catherine’s Hospice Preston

• end of life care: a personal journey
• removing the barriers to information sharing at the end of life
• working together across organisations
• implications of Covid-19
• working with, sharing information with and people who are dying and their families and carers


Improving information sharing whilst ensuring patient confidentiality at the end of life My experience as a Caldicott Guardian in end of life care

Dr Sam Edward
Medical Director and Consultant in Palliative Medicine
North London Hospice



• what issues do I see as a Caldicott Guardian? Examples in practice
• case studies and information sharing around Covid-19
• caldicott decision making: improving practice and supporting frontline staf

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