World Patient Safety Day is being celebrated on 17th September 2021. It is one of 11 official global public campaigns set up by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
This year’s World Patient Safety Day's theme is “Safe maternal and newborn care”. The theme is dedicated to meeting the needs and prioritising the safety in maternal and new-born care, particularly around the time of childbirth which is where most harm can occur. The issue of maternal and new born care has further been highlighted due to the disruptions in healthcare services as a result of the recent Covid-19 pandemic. Fortunately, many stillbirths, maternal and new-born deaths can be avoided through quality care provided by healthcare professionals.
“Approximately 810 women die every day from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, around 6700 new-borns die every day, amounting to 47% of all under-5 deaths. Moreover, about 2 million babies are stillborn every year, with over 40% occurring during labour.”
In celebration of World Patient Safety Day the World Health Organisation have set up a mix of activities. One of the main events planned is a global campaign to light up iconic public places, monuments and landmarks in the colour orange.
Find out more on the World Health Organisation website
In celebration and to raise awareness for World Patient Safety Day we are offering a 20% discount off the upcoming Saving Babies Lives: Reducing Stillbirth conference with code HCUK20WPSD