News and updates for today's conference
With increasing pressure on the NHS, the drive to reduce length of stay and deliver as much activity as possible on a day case basis is a key national priority. Day Case major joint replacement surgery is now routine practice in a number of units across the UK. However, there remains huge variation in day case arthroplasty surgery across the country. Today we have some experts in Day Surgery sharing their experience in setting up and running Total Hip Replacement Day Case Surgery services.
Optimising your Day Case Pathway
Dr Mary Stocker
Past President
Consultant Anaesthetist
Torbay & South Devon Healthcare Trust
• Key elements of a day surgery pathway
• Patient suitability for day surgery
• Planning for successful day surgery
Mary Stocker Biography 0.02 MBMSWORDfile
Mary Stocker Abstract 0.02 MBDOCXfile
Mary Stocker Powerpoint Slides 15.38 MBPPTXfile
Mary gave the opening presentation of today's conference, sharing her wealth of experience and expertise in how to optimise your day case pathway, giving an invaluable understanding of the key issues to consider when setting up a 'gold standard' total hip replacement day surgery service.